Friday, October 26, 2012

Precious Abba,

I always thought that I was doing something for You by my quiet times and prayer and service. But You do not need anything from me. I am not doing anything more when I am serving God than when I eat a cookie! [Jeremiah 15:16] You are the One who nurtures me!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Holy Spirit brought me back to this post today. I have begin rushing past Him again. Work and rest are so hard to keep in balance. Perhaps that's because we need to do both at the same time?

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Oh precious little one – my beloved child. I am so glad to have you back with me – listening to me in the silence as of old – returning to your First Love.

I have been waiting with such longing to embrace you – but your noise, distraction, and busyness – constant motion – have drowned me out. It is impossible to hear God in the bustle of technology … the constant music – even praise music – You Tube, texting, “virtual” relationships like Facebook or even identifying with television characters (“relationships” which are only imaginary).  Too much, just too much:  too much Christian service, too much exercise, too much food, too much Bible study and reading. Too much anything.

Silence is the Voice of God – how I jealously long for my children to come to me in stillness of heart and mind, tuning out the siren calls of the multi-media world – and listen – cease striving, and know that I AM God.

The silence I truly long for is silence of the soul.

But it takes courage, for in the silence comes the hunger, woundedness, anger, and pain you are striving to stuff down or escape with the noise, the technology, the “too much.” But only in the silence can you heal.

Sink down into the present moment where I AM. Relax in me as I entice you to come away with me, away from the noise, to lie in green pastures by still waters. In the Silence and stillness I will refresh and repair your soul so that my splendor can better be displayed in your eyes, your touch, and your life.

The noise is like a dirty window, blocking my Light from shimmering and shining through you.

Listen. For the Silence has much to say.

Letter to Judas -

You lured me winsomely into your web, a black widow spider. Waiting, accumulating the ammunition of my pain to fire back at me like poison.

You saw me coming, kindness and acceptance to cover your shame, later to find out I was broken and frail (more here.)

Didn’t you know? Only the wounded can heal.

You feasted on me. Thus sated, you spit me out in my agony -- known and rejected..

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Beloved,

You are the light of the world. My light shines into your darkness. From the outskirts of eternity it dawns on the darkroom in your soul. Then. A tiny spark in the center of your being shines out into infinity.

Where then,
is the shadow?