Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You are different. I made you that way on purpose. I wove you together in your mother's womb, I gave you a special personality and temperament, and I determined the perfect environment for you to be raised in. Perfect. The pain would tell you otherwise, but the front of the tapestry is beautiful. Oh, my child, if you could only see it! I give both deliverance and calamity, and bring good, the best good, out of both. That is why I want you to learn to rejoice in your sufferings like Paul did, like my son did. A good God created a world that has evil in it. The human mind cannot comprehend it, but light cannot be appreciated without darkness, nor love without hate. You don't have to understand to believe.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Good morning, little one! Today is the day that I have made; rejoice and be glad in it. Do not censor what I say to you, for my ways are higher than your ways. Listen to me and apply what I say, and you will prosper and grow. Your desert will bloom and your joy will return. You are tempted now, but I offer a way out. I am the way. Direct your energies toward me instead of your obsessions and I will provide for all your needs. One day you will look back on your despair and see that it is black velvet behind the sparkling diamonds of your reward! Rejoice! That is a verb, not a feeling. Rejoice!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rejoice in me like the birds and the flowers do! Your despair and frustration are your teachers. Focus on the lessons, not the pain. Immobilization is a coping mechanism, but I am the source of power for coping. The more you rely on me, the less you will need to rely on immobilization. I do not condemn you. I understand these things more than you do. I am the one who will set you free to rejoice like the birds and the flowers.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Little one, my child, "like a weaned child with it's mother" so is your soul with me. Rest there; remain there. Now that you are seeing hope, don't stop resting in me, in my power. Don't flee from me in your own strength, for I want my glory to shine in your life.