Friday, March 22, 2013

The night may close around you like a storm; yet I am the Light of the World. The skies may pour down torrents, yet my tears wash you clean; the cold wind may cut you to the marrow; yet my Word (living and active) will divide bone from marrow and penetrate your fearful heart. I will save you, keep you warm; I will dry your tears and turn your darkness into light.

Though you see Me not, I will direct your paths and comfort you with all comfort so that you may uplift the spirits of those who suffer in like manner. Child, child if you would but stop. And breathe. And just BE -- be afraid, be desolate, be hopeless, without judgment, you would know that I am here, calming your fears and giving sureness and solid, tangible hope. Please stop working so hard and, allow Me to change your heart from the inside out. "God works for those who wait for Him."

I am in the torrents; I am in the darkness, for there is no where in time and space, or even in eternity, that I am not. You may run from the darkness but you cannot escape my mercy and love poured out unto you in the deepest parts of your soul.

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