Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I, Jesus, see your wounds and I come to you like the Good Samaritan came to the one who had been robbed and beaten, afraid and stripped of self-esteem. Religious people have added to your wounds and passed you by, but I have seen and had compassion on you and stopped. I am pouring Oil and Wine on your wounds and binding them up. Flee the things of earth that will burn like stubble, and indulge yourself in my presence that is as the richest of foods to your soul (Psalm 63:5). Gorge yourself on my Word, and I will reveal my glory of greater pleasure than all the delights of this world. I do not want a religious checklist from you. What I want is for you to love me with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. You are so beautiful to me, my beloved. Come with me!

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